Small Business Exceptional Assistance Grant

Small Business Exceptional Assistance Grant

Small businesses across Far North Queensland have been hit hard by the impacts of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper and subsequent flooding.

Small businesses across Far North Queensland have been hit hard by the impacts of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper and subsequent flooding.

To help businesses get back on their feet, the Queensland Government is offering grants of up to $20,000 through the Small Business Exceptional Assistance Grant.

As part of the joint Commonwealth-State Small Business Support Package, these grants are available to eligible small businesses to help restart operations and strengthen disaster resilience, covering everything from employee wages to essential operating costs and professional services.

Eligibility requires proof of significant operational disruption due to the disaster and a workforce of fewer than 20 employees. Importantly, no co-contribution is needed.

For more information about the program, read the key documents and information:


For further information about the program email or contact the Small Business Hotline on 1300 654 687.


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